Juan 1:1, “La palabra era un dios” | Ministerio de Apologética e Investigación Cristiana

Este es uno de los versículos más comunes y de más controversia entre los Testigos de Jehová y los Cristianos. La falsa suposición de ellos de que Jesús no es Dios en carne sino el arcángel Miguel que se convirtió en un hombre han hecho que ellos alteren la Biblia en Juan 1:1 negando así que Jesús es divino. La Traducción del Nuevo Mundo ha agregado el artículo “un” al versículo, tergiversándolo de esta manera: “…y la Palabra era un dios.” (Énfasis añadido). La traducción correcta para este versículo es: “En el principio era la Palabra, y la Palabra estaba con Dios y la Palabra era Dios.” Esta es la forma como está traducido en la Nueva Biblia Estándar Americana, la Reina Valera 60, la Nueva Versión Internacional, la Versión King James, la Nueva Versión King James, etc.

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The Religion of Atheism | carm

Okay, so the title of this article is a bit provocative.  But, I wanted to get your attention.  You see, I got the idea for this article after attending the 33rd annual atheist convention in Seattle, Washington, in April of 2007.  It was a very interesting experience, and I learned things I did not expect to learn.  While sitting in the crowd and listening to speakers and watching the atheists’ reactions, it dawned on me how utterly religious they seemed to be.  No, I’m not saying they believe in a God; and

Continue reading at: The Religion of Atheism | carm

Meaning of Kephale After 30 Years – Wayne Grudem

by Wayne Grudem

Conclusion of this paper:
7 of 7 Gk lexicons now give “authority over, ruler” as a meaning of kephalē
0 of 7 now give “source” as a meaning of kephalē (w/ correction from ed. of LS)
0 of 7 have ever given “prominent, preeminent” as meaning of kephalē
In all of ancient Greek literature, in every example that takes the form, “Person A is the kephalē of Person or Group B,” Person A has authority over Person or Group B.
56 examples have been discovered showing kephalē w/ meaning of “authority over, leader, ruler”
0 examples have ever been discovered where the sense “source without governing authority” would fit the context.
0 examples have ever been discovered where the sense “prominent or preeminent person without governing authority” would fit the context.

No one has yet produced one text in ancient Greek literature (from the 8th century BC to the 4th century AD) where a person is called the kephalē (“head”) of another person or group and that person is not the one in authority over that other person or group. The alleged meaning “prominent without authority,” like the meaning “source without authority,” now 30 years after the publication of my 1985 study of 2,336 examples of kephalē, has still not been supported with any citation of any text in ancient Greek literature. Over 50 examples of kephalē meaning “ruler, authority over” have been found, but no examples of the meaning of “source without authority” or “prominent person w/o authority”

In spite of this overwhelming weight of evidence, several commentaries and reference works continue to argue for “source” or “preeminent person” instead of “authority over” in key texts on marriage, including esp.:

1 Cor 11:3: “I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God.” (1st cent. A.D.).

Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.
(Eph 5:22-24 ESV)

Download and read the whole article in Word format at: Meaning of Kephale After 30 Years – Wayne Grudem

El valor de la espera en el llamado al ministerio

John Newton tenía 33 años. Ya había vivido una vida plena, había enfrentado la muerte en varias ocasiones y había hecho cosas atrevidas y viles que la mayoría de la gente ni siquiera imagina. Y ahora, había llegado a este punto. Convertido hacía unos pocos años y recién retirado de la abominación de la venta de esclavos, Newton no podía evitar preguntarse si estaba siendo llamado al ministerio.

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Failure Is Not a Virtue

“Christian, you cannot obey the Law. Your certain failure is a means to show forth the grace of God when you repent.” “We don’t need more lists of how to be a better spouse/parent/Christian. We need more grace.” “My life strategy for today: fail, repent, repeat.” Sounds good, doesn’t it?

Continue reading at: Failure Is Not a Virtue

“Cuando te toca, ni aunque te quites, y cuando no te toca, ni aunque te pongas”

Hace 31 años, yo trabajaba en Televisa Chapultepec, justo en el edificio que colapsó durante el terremoto del ’85, el que puedes ver en la imagen. Sí, fue impresionante y cuando lo vi en persona ese mismo 19 de septiembre, no lo podía creer. Pero Dios tenía otros planes para mí, como podrás notar, y me permitió seguir sobre esta tierra. De hecho yo tenía dos trabajos por aquellos días, y justo en estas fechas, estaba de vacaciones en ambos.

Continuar leyendo en: ¡Ya Levántate!